Queries: 23 (0.0475)
0.0007 (0)
SELECT URL.target_name AS TargetName, URL.path AS Path FROM DM_URLs URL WHERE URL.target_type = 'entity' AND ( URL.target_name = 'MemberHomePage' OR URL.target_name = 'MemberProfilePage' OR URL.target_name = 'MemberSignInPage' OR URL.target_name = 'MemberSignUpPage' OR URL.target_name = 'MemberActivatePage' OR URL.target_name = 'MemberResetPasswordPage' OR URL.target_name = 'MemberForgotPasswordPage');
0.0007 (3)
SELECT URL.target_name AS TargetName, URL.path AS Path FROM DM_URLs URL WHERE URL.target_type = 'entity' AND ( URL.target_name = 'CartPage' OR URL.target_name = 'CheckoutPage' OR URL.target_name = 'ConfirmationPage' OR URL.target_name = 'CustomerInvoicesPage' OR URL.target_name = 'ManufacturersPage');
0.0008 (1)
SELECT URL.url_id AS URLId, URL.path AS Path, URL.target_type AS TargetType, URL.target_name AS TargetName FROM DM_URLs URL WHERE URL.path = 'cart';
0.0008 (1)
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0.0014 (1)
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0.0026 (2)
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0.0065 (1)
INSERT INTO Ecom_Carts (item_count, is_customer_taxable, billing_use_shipping, is_taxes_calculated, checkout_step, payment_method, last_access, ip_address, status) VALUES (0, true, true, false, 1, 'Credit Card', '2025-03-10 21:24:11', '', 'Pending');
0.0042 (1)
SELECT Promotion.promotion_id AS "Id", Promotion.title AS "Title", Promotion.promotion_type AS "PromotionType", Promotion.promotion_code AS "PromotionCode", UNIX_TIMESTAMP(Promotion.effective_on) AS "EffectiveOn", UNIX_TIMESTAMP(Promotion.expires_on) AS "ExpiresOn", Promotion.maximum_uses AS "MaximumUses", Promotion.limit_per_customer AS "LimitPerCustomer", Promotion.is_exclusive AS "Exclusive", Promotion.is_auto_applied AS "AutoApplied", Promotion.conditions AS "Conditions", Promotion.actions AS "Actions", Promotion.used_count AS "UsedCount", Promotion.handler AS "Handler", Promotion.is_active AS "Active" FROM Ecom_Promotions Promotion WHERE Promotion.is_auto_applied = true AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(Promotion.effective_on) <= 1741656251 AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(Promotion.expires_on) >= 1741656251 AND Promotion.is_active = true;
0.0004 (1)
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0.0054 (2)
SELECT Author.admin_user_id AS "Id", Author.first_name AS "FirstName", Author.last_name AS "LastName", AS "Email", TRIM(CONCAT(Author.first_name, ' ', Author.last_name, IF(Author.suffix <> '', CONCAT(' ', Author.suffix), ''))) AS "DisplayFirstLast", TRIM(CONCAT(Author.last_name, ', ', Author.first_name, IF(Author.suffix <> '', CONCAT(' ', Author.suffix), ''))) AS "DisplayLastFirst" FROM DM_AdminUsers Author WHERE Author.admin_user_id = '3';
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0.0144 (1)
INSERT INTO Ecom_CartsPromotions (cart_id, promotion_id, status, sort_order) VALUES (54545, 1, 'None', 255);
0.0006 (2)
UPDATE Ecom_Carts SET url_key = 'SxK3Ga3r1U5JKHt02XZISmyceK6Kyap9lGeAon6IrLOqd5mV2tluoQ==', modified = '2025-03-10 21:24:11' WHERE cart_id = 54545;
UPDATE Ecom_CartsPromotions SET status = 'Eligible', modified = '2025-03-10 21:24:11' WHERE cart_promotion_id = 53231;
0.0004 (0)
UPDATE Ecom_Carts SET last_access = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() WHERE cart_id = 54545;
0.0010 (1)
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0.0009 (1)
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0.0009 (0)
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0.0007 (0)
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0.0007 (1)
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0.0015 (11)
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0.0007 (1)
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0.0008 (6)
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0.0007 (1)
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0.0007 (4)
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